CORE 105
In this class we study notable figures who, each in their own way, exemplify the examined life. As we go, we will practice the skills of interpreting morally complicated texts and engaging in dialogue with perspectives that are not our own.
School of Public Affairs
SPA 300
In this course, students read about classic experiments, contemporary experiments, and cutting-edge experiments, with an emphasis on violence both as a treatment and outcome.
Causes of Terrorism and Political Violence
JLC 470, JLC 670
The courses examines the causes and consequences of terrorism and other forms of political violence - exploring both terror by governments as well as by opposition parties and movements.
SPA 613
This is the second part of a methods sequence that aims to provide students with the tools to be researchers. The main focus is on bivariate and multiple regression and the underlying assumptions of those models.
Domestic Terrorism & Political Violence
JLC 596
We examine the different explanations and research approaches to studying domestic political violence. Additionally, we discuss different groups, ideologies, and events related to political violence and terrorism in the United States.
Introduction to Justice Research
JLC 680
This course is the first half of a two part sequence intended to help students develop the skills necessary to design, critique and execute social science research.
Introduction to Justice Research II
JLC 681
This is the final course in a sequence intended to help students develop the skills necessary to design, critique and conduct social science research by developing skills for data analysis and statistics, with a focus on developing an original project.
School of International Service
SIS 419
This course investigates the causes and consequences of terrorism through first person accounts of participation in terrorism. We examine prominent contemporary and historical terror campaigns through the lens of the people involved.
Introduction to International Studies Research
SIS 206
This course will introduce you to a range of methodologies employed in international affairs research and will provide you with the knowledge and skills necessary to design, conduct, and present an original scholarly research project.
US National Security and Civil Wars
SIS 653
This course examines why civil wars start, the process of how they build, and how and why they end. Throughout, we pay particular attention to how international policies, such as aid or intervention, can influence the dynamics of civil wars.
Advanced Seminar in International Relations
SIS 803
This course is a survey of the academic field of IR. In this course, we examine four topical categories (subfields): international security, international political economy, international organizations, and international (or transnational) challenges.
Introduction to Quantitative Methods in International Relations
SIS 806
This course is part of an IR methods sequence that aims to provide students with the tools necessary to be social researchers. The primary focus is statistical description and analysis, leading to multiple regression analysis.